What to Teach New Born Again Christian Church of God

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Being built-in again means giving up your old life to live a new life through Christ Jesus. Becoming a born over again Christian might audio difficult, just God has made it easy for his faithful to come to him. Past accepting Christ, you tin come up before God and exist born again. If you lot want to be born over again, offset by becoming a Christian. Then, alive your life for Jesus equally best you lot can. Finally, you tin can grow your religion by attending church, reading the Bible, and praying.

  1. one

    Believe in God and his son Jesus Christ. Before you can accept Jesus, yous must commencement believe. Christians believe God created the heavens and the earth. When Adam and Eve ate the fruit of the Tree of the Noesis of Good and Evil, mankind became cursed with original sin. However, God sent down his son Jesus Christ to die for everyone'southward sins, granting forgiveness.[1]

    • John three:16 reads, "For God so loved the globe that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish simply have eternal life." By believing in Jesus, you can gain eternal life by going to Heaven.
  2. two

    Accept Jesus Christ as your personal savior. Every bit a born again Christian, you will also accept Jesus into your eye every bit your personal savior. Y'all are acknowledging that Jesus died for your sins and, through him, you are made righteous before God. It's very easy to accept Jesus! Yous merely need to believe and pray to him, asking him into your heart.[2]

    • Here'southward an example prayer: "Dear Lord Jesus, I know I am a sinner, but you died for those sins. I welcome you into my middle as my personal savior. Thanks for dying for my sins then that I can exist forgiven. In your name I pray, Amen."
    • Y'all tin can find many example prayers online.


  3. three

    Repent for your sins. Repenting means to feel regret and remorse for your sins. Essentially, y'all're acknowledging that yous did wrong and are sad for it. You can apologize by telling God in prayer that y'all know y'all sinned and are very pitiful for information technology. In the future, do your all-time to avoid sinning, as role of regret is trying to do improve.[iii]

    • Say, "God, I know I have sinned. I am very sad for the things I've done wrong and want to do better through you. Cheers for forgiving all of my mistakes. In the proper name of Christ I pray, Amen."
  4. 4

    Join a church building if you want a religious community. Some Christians believe yous don't need to bring together a church to exist a born once more Christian, while others believe you must. Joining a church can aid you learn more about the Bible, connect with other believers, and grow in your organized religion. It's a good idea to visit a few churches before yous choice one to join.

    • Every bit an alternative, you tin watch religious services on Idiot box or online.
  5. 5

    Get baptized by an ordained government minister. You tin can find a government minister at a local church. Baptism is very important for beingness born again. The minister volition dunk you underwater, then bring yous back up. It symbolizes passing away and re-emerging from the water a new person. Through it, yous are built-in again.[four]

    • Marker 16:16 reads, "He that believes and is baptized shall be saved, and he that disbelieves shall exist condemned."
    • How and where yous are baptized volition depend on your church building. Yous may be baptized in a tub inside the church, or you might exist baptized in a lake or other waterway.
    • Some churches volition but baptize yous if you are a member. You lot could bring together the church, or you lot could look for a church building that does not require membership.
  6. 6

    Receive the Holy Spirit by welcoming Him into your heart. The Holy Spirit is a comforter sent past God after Jesus left the earth. You will also receive the gifts and fruits of the Holy Spirit, which assistance you lot be a stronger Christian. All you need to exercise to receive the Holy Spirit is to welcome Him into your life, such as through prayer.[5]

    • Say, "I welcome the Holy Spirit into my life, Amen."
    • The 9 fruits of the spirit include love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self command.[6]
    • The ix gifts of the spirit include knowledge, wisdom, prophecy, faith, healing, working miracles, discerning of spirits, speaking in tongues (holy languages), and interpretation of tongues (holy languages).[seven]


  1. i

    Avert giving in to sinful desires. Everyone sins, simply it's important to try your best to non give in to sin. Do your all-time to always practise the right affair by modeling your deportment on Jesus.[8]

    • Read your Bible and attend church building to learn more about how to turn away from sin. For example, don't lie, steal, cheat, murder, or commit sins of the flesh.
    • Romans eight:ix reads, "You, however, are controlled not by the sinful nature (the mankind), but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you." Remind yourself that yous practise take control over yourself!
  2. ii

    Ask for forgiveness when you sin. It's normal to commit sins, even when you're trying non to. This is why God offers forgiveness through Jesus! As long as yous admit your sin, express regret, and try not to do information technology once again, God will forgive you lot.[nine]

    • Pray, "God, I know I accept sinned again. I'm so sorry and will endeavor my best non to exercise it over again. Thanks for offering forgiveness through Jesus. In Christ'southward name I pray, Amen."
  3. 3

    Apprehensive yourself to Jesus. Give upward your pride and acknowledge that you are small before Jesus. He is "the way, the truth, and the life." Without Jesus, you are lost. Although y'all can pray to God without Jesus, y'all are non "saved" and born over again unless you take Jesus Christ, according to the Christian faith.[10]

    • John fourteen:half dozen reads, "Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me." Yous need Jesus in gild to gain access to God because y'all must pray in his proper name, then recognize his power.
  4. 4

    Volunteer to help others. In Philippians one:22, the Bible directs yous to have fruitful labor. Volunteering is a great way to attain this! Plus, you'll be helping others, which Jesus instructed his disciples to do.[11]

    • For case, volunteer at a soup kitchen or food bank, visit people who are in the hospital, raise coin for the less fortunate, or help out at a shelter.
  5. 5

    Forgive those who take wronged you lot. Simply as God forgives you, yous must forgive others. Don't carry grudges against people who take injure you. Instead, offer forgiveness and pray for them.[12]

    • Say, "God, I forgive Sam for stealing my coin. Delight give him your mercy."
  6. 6

    Count your blessings. Your blessings are all of the good things in your life, such as your family, friends, health, talents, etc. You tin can count them in your heed or write them downward on newspaper. This helps y'all recognize all of the neat things God has given you, and it helps you lot keep a positive outlook on life.[13]

    • For instance, yous might proceed a gratitude periodical! Every day, write downwardly iii-5 things you lot're grateful for.
  7. 7

    Retrieve you are not lonely in this world. Everyone goes through hard times. When you're struggling with something, y'all tin turn to Jesus! Don't despair when times are tough because Jesus is walking with you. Rely on your faith to conduct you through.[14]

    • Use prayer to ask for comfort. Say, "Jesus, I need your strength right now."
    • Connect with other people in your religious customs for back up and assistance through your hard times.
    • Life won't all of a sudden get amend, but you tin can use your faith as a condolement.
  8. 8

    Share your behavior with others, simply be respectful of their views. Most born again Christians want to share their faith with others, welcoming them into the church. Tell others about Jesus and how your faith has helped you, then invite them to come to church with you. Withal, go on in mind that they may have their own beliefs, which you should respect.[xv]

    • If someone tells you they aren't interested, don't press the result. You wouldn't desire them to push their views on y'all.
    • Consider your life as an example for Christ. If you show others how Jesus has blest you, they may be more open to joining yous in church.


  1. one

    Go to regular church services. It'southward best to go at least in one case a week, but many churches offer extra services. If you're new to Christianity, you might cull to go several times a week. Non only will going to church assistance yous acquire more well-nigh what it means to be Christian, information technology volition likewise help you lot find a religious community for yourself.[16]

    • For example, you might go to church every Sunday morn.
    • Wait for a church where you experience welcome. You tin as well prioritize finding a church that has groups for people your age.
  2. ii

    Read your Bible at least ane day a week. You tin can discover many translations of the Bible, so cull 1 that you lot empathise. Make a habit of reading your Bible regularly, such as every Sunday evening. This volition assist you larn scripture.[17]

    • You might besides choose to piece of work through devotional books, which can aid you develop your faith. Yous can find these in the religious section of the bookstore.
  3. 3

    Join a Bible study group. Your church may offering a Bible study group, merely you can too await for one on a site like Meetup.com. Bible report helps y'all learn more virtually the Give-and-take of God then you tin can deepen your faith and live your life according to scripture. Almost Bible study groups meet weekly.[18]

    • Your Bible study group tin likewise be a neat place to make friends who share your beliefs!
  4. 4

    Pray often. Prayer allows you to connect with God, then you lot should practise it at least once a day. Withal, you might pray several times throughout the mean solar day.[xix]

    • Don't simply ask for stuff through prayer. Give God cheers and acknowledge his presence.
    • For example, "God, thank you for this beautiful sunrise and for giving me another day on this earth," or "God, I felt your presence today in the doctor's office. Cheers for giving me strength."


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  • Question

    What is the process to be saved? I have heard some Christians say that once y'all are baptized in Jesus's name, then you are saved.

    Community Answer

    As Paul said in the New Testament, "Believe in the Lord Jesus and you will be saved." Beingness "baptized into Jesus's name" is a symbolic way of saying that you are saved by assertive in Him and what He did for you lot.

  • Question

    Who should I confess my sins too?

    Community Answer

    At the crucifixion of Christ Jesus on the cantankerous, the moment that He yielded upwards His spirit, the drape in the temple ripped in half assuasive anyone direct admission to the throne of God. So, you are able to confess directly to God your sins. Some religions believe that yous must confess them to a person, merely yous must confess them only to God.

  • Question

    If I repent, will I be forgiven?

    Community Answer

    Aye, y'all volition exist forgiven. God is always happy when you repent, as long as you do repent.

  • Question

    What if you lot desire to change only struggle with temptations that you lot take enjoyed for so long?

    Community Answer

    God will forgive y'all for your earthly temptations if you truly believe in Him and confess your sins and temptations to Him in your prayers. Remember and live past the words of Jesus, "Go and sin no more than."

  • Question

    I'm non baptized, but I believe in Lord Jesus very much. I want to exist baptized. The trouble is that sometimes I repeat my sins. I don't want to, simply somehow I fail to avoid temptation and feel guilty. What do I practice?

    Community Answer

    Practice not wait to be baptized until you are living perfectly, or you volition never get baptized! Realize that equally long as y'all are living in the flesh, you volition still fail sometimes. However, don't permit that discourage you. Go along seeking to live in a God-honoring way. Ask God for His power. The Bible says in James, "Submit yourself to God. Resist the devil, and he will abscond from you. Depict near to God, and He volition draw near to you. Apprehensive yourself in the sight of the Lord, and He will lift you lot up."

  • Question

    I like to exist born again -- can you aid me?

    Community Answer

    If yous confess with your rima oris Jesus as Lord, and believe in your centre that God raised Him from the dead, yous will exist saved; 10 for with the centre a person believes, resulting in righteousness, and with the oral cavity he confesses, resulting in conservancy. Romans 10: nine-x

  • Question

    Is it possible for someone to fast for twoscore days and nights?

    Community Answer

    You tin can't go without water for more than than 3 days, and you tin't go without food for more than than 3 weeks. God miraculously enabled Moses and Jesus to fast great lengths of time, co-ordinate to Scripture, only you lot'd meliorate be darned sure He'south calling you to do that before attempting something so unsafe.

  • Question

    Is there a dress lawmaking for woman?

    Community Answer

    No, simply, women (and men) are encouraged to dress conservatively.

  • Question

    How can someone manifest the holy spirit?

    Community Answer

    By having at least one of the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit: Wisdom, Understanding, Counsel, Noesis, Fortitude, Piety, and Fear of the Lord.

  • Question

    What are "blathering prayers"?

    Community Answer

    The idea of 'babbling prayers' is to just echo meaningless words over and over.

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  • Serve God for the betterment of mankind.

  • Love God and love your neighbor. Also, be kind to your enemy.

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  • Jesus said, "Dearest your enemy and do expert to him." So, do non hate, but instead, assist others.

  • Don't be ashamed of your organized religion.


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Article Summary X

Being born again means that you turn down your quondam life and you intend to start a new i following the teachings of Jesus Christ. Pray to God in the proper name of Jesus, admitting the things y'all have done which are wrong, and make a hope to God that you will worship him and put him kickoff in everything you do. Nearly people who are born again go to church building. This isn't necessary, just it can help y'all detect other followers and acquire how to interpret the Bible. Keep reading for some of the Bible scriptures that can help you go born once more!

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Source: https://www.wikihow.com/Be-Born-Again

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